The Ultimate Guide to Fing Premium


Our mobile and desktop apps are powered by a patented device recognition technology, with security tools and troubleshooting features. But what about receiving complete protection?

With Fing Premium, you get all the above plus several advanced features that will push your internet security to a new standard. Keep reading to discover all the Premium features along with some useful tips to boost your Fing apps.

Everything you get with Fing Premium

Here is a quick recap of all that you get with your Premium subscription:

  • More security checks, including automatic network scanning every 5 minutes and real-time intruder alerts
  • The chance to block any device on your network, autoblock new devices and limit their internet time
  • The chance to schedule internet downtimes
  • Automated tools for better network monitoring
  • An extended timeline of network events
  • Unlimited security tools
  • Higher security score

Keep reading to learn more about each feature!

Network Monitoring

Let’s start from the basics. Our most important goal is to always provide you with the best tools to check your network security and Fing Premium is unquestionably the best choice.

It’s all about network monitoring. You probably want to monitor your home network to know if some intruders are in, and this is exactly what you get with Fing. With Fing Premium, we automatically scan your network for new devices every 5 minutes instead of every 60 minutes (with the free version) or 30 minutes (with Fing Starter). You don’t have to worry about it anymore: our device recognition technology will do all the job, checking all the devices connected and identifying them.

What happens if we find an unknown device during one of these scans? With Fing Premium you immediately receive an alert, both via email and app notification, with all the details about the device, so you can quickly understand if something suspicious is going on.

To summarize, with Fing Premium you get automatic network scanning every 5 minutes and real-time notifications when an unknown device joins the network.

Block Network Access & Limit Internet Time

Fing has found an unknown device connected to your network and has sent you a notification. What’s the next step? This is when the options to block network access or limit internet time come in.

With Fing Premium, you can permanently block devices from accessing your network or temporarily limit their internet time. If you are facing a bandwidth stealing problem, for example, you can use Fing to block the device which is connecting to your Wi-Fi illegally. Want to block unknown devices as soon as they join the network? Then check out our Auto Block feature!

On the other hand, you can also limit internet time for selected devices and use it as a parental control tool. Fing can limit network access remotely, without the need to install an app or software on the target device, and it works with all the connected devices – including gaming consoles, smart TVs and tablets. And if you want to plan your household offline time, now you can with the Schedule Internet Downtime feature! Take full control of your household offline time with this new feature whether it’s for bedtime, studying, or meditating. That’s up to you.

In summary, Fing Premium allows you to control the devices connected to your Wi-Fi, by blocking or temporarily pausing them. If you want to know more, we have covered this topic in a detailed blog post.

Automated Tools

Even if you can access all the best security tools out there, you can’t consider yourself safe enough until you don’t automate them. This is why Fing Premium does it all for you. We are constantly working to automate as many tools as possible, to make your life easier and more relaxed, so we recently released a couple of new automated tools that only Premium subscribers can use to the fullest.

First of all, we made our internet speed tests automated. While free users only have 1 test per day, Premium users can schedule up to 4 tests per day to monitor the average speed of their internet connection during different timeframes. As a plus, Premium users also receive a complete monthly report about the Internet Service Provider performances, while free users only get a summerized version of it. You can learn more about this in our dedicated blog post.

Another tool we automatized is the router vulnerability check. Premium users can now schedule how many times to run our vulnerability test in a week, while free users can only do it manually. You can never know when a vulnerability shows up, so automating this security check becomes fundamental to secure your network. You can discover more in this blog post.

In a nutshell, Fing Premium gives you automated tools to improve the knowledge of your network.

Note that both the above features require pairing between Fing App and Fing Desktop. Discover how to link the apps – and all the benefits of it – by reading our how-to guide.

Timeline of Events

Fing Premium is not only focused on your present security, but it gives an eye on your past too. With Fing Premium you get access to a full timeline of events for your network.

While free users can see detailed information about the current day and Fing Starter users about the last 7 days, Fing Premium users can access a complete timeline of past events. This includes all the previous router vulnerability checks and up to 28 days of average internet speed performances and user presence at home.

So, with Fing Premium you can get an extended timeline of events for your Wi-Fi to become a real home officer and a network expert.

Unlimited Tools

Fing Premium is worth its value also when we come to the tools.

Fing offers several professional tools to ping a device, trace a route and troubleshoot your network. While these tools are available for everyone, free users have a cap of 5 tools per day. Premium users, instead, have unlimited access to all of them, getting a full and complete 24/7 security.

Likewise, the “find open ports” tool is limited to 1 per day for free users, while is available without limits for Premium users.

Premium users have unlimited security tools to secure their home network at its finest.

Security Score

Our latest release introduced the Security Score for all users. The score is calculated out of several variables to rate the security of your home network. The more tools and security checks you set up, the higher will be your security score.

Since some security tools are only available for Premium subscribers, Premium users are more likely to have higher scores compared to free users. You can learn more about our Security score in the blog post we wrote after its release.

To conclude, being a Premium user is essential to get a high security score for your network.

How to upgrade to Fing Premium

You can enjoy all these features and increase your home network security by upgrading to Fing Premium. Simply click the button below and start your Premium journey!

Upgrade to Fing Premium

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